
Coastal Navigation

Navigate knowing your exact location at all times.


  • Basic Coastal Navigation

  • Intermediate Coastal Navigation

We help you feel more prepared to write the exam!
Each of these courses includes plotting a cruise which helps prepare you for the written exam!



This course is your first step in learning how to safely plan and navigate through coastal and inland waters during the day.  During this hands-on practical course you will learn how to determine your position on a nautical chart and the skills required to safely reach your intended destination. This course also covers basic electronic navigation including using a GPS and waypoints.

  • Role of navigator
  • Charts & symbols
  • Understanding navigation publications
  • Converting bearings between true, magnetic and compass
  • Dead reckoning
  • Basic fixes and determining ETA
  • Tides & currents
  • GPS


OBJECTIVE: To be able to demonstrate and safely navigate by day in coastal and inland waters.  This introductory course offers basic knowledge of navigation theory and is the initial course in a comprehensive set of courses offered by Sail Canada on vessel navigation.  This standard is a requirement for the Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising and Sail Canada Intermediate Coastal Navigation standards.


OPTION 1: Blended Classroom Instructor-Led Courses with home practise requirements.

  • Course starts with a Zoom introductory session (6:30 – 9:00) to get your started and highlight some key concepts of the course.  You can then work through the textbook at your own pace.  If you get stuck you can reach out to your instructor via email.
  • There will be two in-person Chart Plotting Workshops
    • Workshop 1:  in person hands-on review & practise of various chart plotting exercises (3-hour)
    • Workshop 2:  in person hands-on chart plotting ‘practise cruise’ to pool all the navigation chart plotting concepts you will need to know for the exam. (3-hour)
  • DATES & TIME:  Stay tuned 2024 dates.  6:30 – 9:00 PM for each session.
  • LOCATION:  Workshops will take place at Nepean Sailing Club
  • FEE:  $425 + HST (2 textbooks –  learning and exercise book, navigation chart, dividers and chart plotter, practise exam, final exam and certification.)

OPTION 2:  Self-Study Home study including textbooks. 

  • Includes all learning material (2 textbooks –  learning and exercise book, navigation chart, dividers and chart plotter & final exam and certification.
  • Instructor support via email.
  • Register at any time and work through the course at your own pace. You have 1 year to complete this course.
  • FEE: $350 + HST
  • Option to combine with Intermediate Coastal Navigation Home Study
    • FEE: $595 + HST


Note:  Above fees do not include logbook.

CERTIFICATION AWARDED: Sail Canada Basic Coastal Navigation Standard

NEXT STEPS: Sail Canada Basic Cruising, Sail Canada Basic Powerboat, Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising, Sail Canada Intermediate Coastal Navigation, Sail Canada Celestial Navigation


Navigating while underway.

This course builds on the basic knowledge of navigation theory presented in the Sail Canada Basic Coastal Navigation Standard.  The curriculum focus is on near shore navigation and covers position determination methods as well as methods for dealing with current and leeway.  The course also covers the determination of intermediate tidal heights and introduces you to the basic of passage planning and the the impact that the Collision Regulations may have on navigational practice.  The standard emphasizes the navigational skills at a level appropriate for bare boat chartering and for extended cruises in coastal waters.

PREREQUISITE: Sail Canada Basic Coastal Navigation Standard

OBJECTIVE: To be able to demonstrate the navigational theory required to safely plan and execute a long continuous passage including night sailing in unfamiliar coastal or inland waters, in all conditions of visibility, with our without electronic aids. This standard is a requirement for the Sail Canada Advanced Cruising and Sail Canada Advanced Navigation and Celestial Navigation standards.


OPTION 1: Blended Classroom Instructor-Led Courses with home study requirements.

  • Course starts with a Zoom introductory session (6:30 – 9:00) to get your started and highlight some key concepts of the course.  You can then work through the textbook at your own pace.  If you get stuck you can reach out to your instructor via email.
  • There will be two in-person Chart Plotting Workshops
    • Workshop 1:  in person hands-on review & practise of various chart plotting exercises (3-hour)
    • Workshop 2:  in person hands-on chart plotting ‘practise cruise’ to pool all the navigation chart plotting concepts you will need to know for the exam. (3-hour)
  • DATES & TIME:   Stay tuned 2024 dates.  6:30 – 9:00 PM for each session.
  • LOCATION:  Workshops will take place at Nepean Sailing Club
  • FEE:  $400 + HST (learning and exercise textbooks, navigation chart, dividers and chart plotter, practise exam, final exam and certification.)

OPTION 2:  Self-Study Home study including textbooks. 

  • Includes all learning material (2 textbooks –  learning and exercise book, navigation chart, dividers and chart plotter & final exam and certification.
  • Instructor support via email.
  • Register at any time and work through the course at your own pace. You have 1 year to complete this course.
  • FEE: $350 + HST  


CERTIFICATION AWARDED: Sail Canada Intermediate Coastal Navigation Standard

NEXT STEPS: Sail Canada Basic Cruising, Sail Canada Basic Powerboat, Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising, Sail Canada Celestial Navigation