Celestial Navigation

Celestial Navigation is the art and science of finding your way by the sun, moon, stars, and planets, and, in one form or another, is one of the oldest practices in human history. Don’t just rely on your GPS or onboard electronics.  This course will teach you how to always find your way home focusing on the theory of celestial navigation required to safely navigate a vessel offshore. Topics include principles of celestial navigation, the methods used to determine your position utilizing celestial sightings and use of a sextant.



PREREQUISITE: Sail Canada Intermediate Coastal Navigation.

OPTIONS: One evening per week for 8 weeks (starting October) or as a home study course

Classroom:  $395.00 + HST (includes text and exam)   Register Today!

Home Study:  $290.00 + HST (includes text and exam)  Register Today!

OBJECTIVE: To be able to demonstrate the celestial navigation theory required to safely navigate a sailing cruiser on an offshore passage. The Standard is applied practically in the Offshore Cruising Standard.

CERTIFICATION AWARDED: Sail Canada Celestial Navigation Standard

