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CANSail 1 & 2

Learn to sail on a small boat (dinghy). On the water training is emphasized with applicable theory covered in short class sessions. With an experienced Sail Canada instructor as your coach, you will be taught the skills and knowledge required to safely sail a dinghy in moderate wind and sea conditions.

The Objective

The objective of the CANSail 1 & 2 course is to teach students the basic skills needed to sail a dinghy, including:

Boat parts: Learn the names of the different parts of the boat.

Sailing skills: Learn how to steer, maintain proper body position, and perform basic manoeuvres.

Safety: Learn safety techniques including righting a dinghy after capsizing.

Wind: Learn about wind direction and points of sail.

Rigging: Learn how to rig a sailboat.


CERTIFICATION AWARDED: CANSail 1 Standard, CANSail 2 Standard, Pleasure Craft Operator’s Card (requires writing an exam)

Course Options and Fees

Minimum of 28 hours of instruction.

Fees (per person): $460.00 + HST (includes CANSail learning materials & introductory membership at the Nepean Sailing Club if you’ve not previously been a club member)

Evenings: Monday-Thursday, 5:30 – 9:00 PM for two consecutive weeks.

Weekends: First Friday, 6- 9 PM & Saturday & Sunday 9 AM – 5 PM for two consecutive weekends.

Discover What Our CANSail 1 & 2 Course Has to Offer!

Get Started, Now!

  • Review the course schedule to find a class that suits your needs.
  • Register by adding your course choice to your shopping cart and proceeding to the checkout or e-mailing us at
  • Enjoy the on-water course.
  • Complete your certification.
  • Join the dinghy community at your club and go sailing.
  • SAILING FOR LIFE: Next steps once you’ve completed your CANSail 1 and 2 certification.