Write your Exams In-Person @ BYC or NSC:
To book an in-person exam, please RSVP or one of our pre-scheduled exam dates.
RSVP HERE: https://calendly.com/advantageboating
You have the option to write the following exams:
- Sail Canada Basic Cruising: 2-hour time limit, closed book
- Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising: 2-hour time limit, closed book
- Sail Canada Basic Coastal Navigation: 3-hour time limit, open book
- Sail Canada Intermediate Coastal Navigation: 3-hour time limit, closed book
- VHF-ROC(M): 1-hour time limit, closed book
- IYT-ICC/IBS: 2-hour time limit, closed book
- PCOC: 1-hour time limit, closed book
FEE: Each of our courses includes 1 free writing of your exam in the year you took your course with Advantage Boating. Please bring a pen or pencil and don’t forget your logbook. If you are writing a Navigation or IYT exam, don’t forget to bring your plotting tools and a sharp pencil. There is an $85 + HST fee for each additional re-write or if you write your exam in a new year. We do not offer exam writing sessions from December to April.
VHF Exams (Zoom):

VHF Radio
Advantage Boating students registered in our VHF classroom or home study courses have the option to write their exams via Zoom invigilation on the 3rd night of one of our VHF classroom (Zoom) course. On this evening there will be an instructor-led short review of the key points followed by the exam. VHF challenge students must book an in-person exam.
VHF examination via Zoom is divided into two parts on separate evenings:
Part 1: of the exam starts with ~1 hour review of the VHF material. The multiple-choice exam will follow and consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that the instructor will read out loud along with the 4 possible answers. You will be asked to record your answer on an answer sheet we will provide you prior to your exam. Immediately after the exam, you be required to scan your completed answer sheet and send it to us via email for marking.
Part 2 of the exam you will be asked to demonstrate a Distress, Urgency or Safety message as well as to use the phonetic alphabet.
Out of town students & writing your Sail Canada exams.
If you took a course with Advantage Boating and you live out of town, you have the option to write your Sail Canada exam with a local (to you) Sail Canada Instructor acting as your invigilator.
FEE: Extra fees may apply, Contact Advantage Boating for more information.